A Study of Migration Management and the Role of Migration Resource Centers with Special Reference to India
Migration Resource Centers (MRCs), Migration, International Migration, Migration Management, Safe Migration, Development; Emigration, Immigration, Migration ResearchAbstract
Migration has been a reality of human civilization. Human migration has been perceived differently at different points of time. While in some host countries, migrants are welcomed, in some other, they are considered to be a burden. Normally, in case of international migration, migration occurs from less developed countries to the developed ones. So, apparently it appears that only the countries where emigration occurs gain from the remittances. But, actually migration can lead towards development of not only the emigrating countries but also the countries where migrants arrive. However, mismanagement of the process of migration can have disastrous impact too. To reap the benefit of migration, migration must be managed properly. Migration management is very important and it has to be done by both the sending and receiving countries. The main aim of migration management is to ensure safe, regular and orderly migration. Migration Resource Centers (MRCs) play a very important role in this regard. The Migration Resource Centers (MRCs) of different countries are very important links in the process of migration management. They are one of the key elements in achieving the objectives of migration management. MRCs can be set up by Government or by non-governmental institutions, Trusts, etc. Sometimes the pioneer migrants set up such centers for helping the existing as well as prospective migrants. The multinational corporations (MNCs), private enterprises also invest in Migration Resource Centers as a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity. MRCs may be bearing different names in different places. Migration Resource Center, thus is an umbrella term for all the centers or institutions helping migrants one way or the other. The present paper aims to analyze the role of MRCs with special reference to the case of India.