A Comparative Analysis on the awareness of Bank Fixed De-posits & Company Fixed Deposits
Low risk investments, Bank Fixed Deposits, Company Fixed DepositsAbstract
Indians are conventionally known for their preference for safe investments. The people in general, are risk avert and are interested in saving money and investing in low-risk investments. The aim of this research is to analyze awareness, perception & behavior of people towards low-risk investments. The main objective of the study is to understand the popularity of Bank Fixed Deposits and Company Fixed Deposits as a safe investment avenue. The paper therefore targets to make a comparative analysis on the awareness of Bank Fixed Deposits and Company Fixed Deposits. Both primary and secondary data are utilized for the study. Primary Data is collected by 20 respondents who invest in Fixed Deposits. Convenience sampling method is used to collect the data from the identified respondents. The study is based on the data collected from individual investors in Mum-bai and Lucknow cities. Primary data from the respondent investors was collected through a struc-tured questionnaire with closed ended questions. Non-parametric test - Mann Whitney U Test is applied for testing the hypothesis of this study. The findings of the study are that low risk invest-ments are still a popular choice among investors. But there is a difference in the awareness about investment in Bank Fixed Deposits and Company Fixed Deposits. The study is relevant to under-stand the awareness and investment preferences of investors. The research paper will provide a helping hand to the researchers for further studies in their respective area.